Posted in General Studies

The latest from 1A

A Virtual Author Visit

JK to Gr. 2 students got a virtual visit from Lark the Shark author Natalie Newman from her home in the U.K. The story and presentation helped our students learn about sharks and their role in the ocean ecosystem. Natalie shared how she wrote the book with her son and her son after learning about pollution in the ocean in his Grade 2 classroom. The students were curious about the publishing process, and Natalie talked about how they wrote the book. I think some students will be writing their books one day.



                                      Math Olympics


In honour of Pi Day on March 14th, students celebrated a love of Math by participating in the first-ever 1A Math Olympics. The children picked their teams a chose a name. The Marvelous Mathers, Math Detectors, and the Air Force A Math AA teams problem-solved, collaborated, and had fun with Math.
Congratulations to the Marvelous Mathers for winning the 1A Olympics!


Take a look at our opening ceremony



La semaine de la Francophonie

La semaine de la francophonie was lots of fun. The students loved all the French activities on Wednesday afternoon. The first stop was visiting the Makerspace cafe for croissants and hot chocolate. Obstacle courses, word searches, and bingo helped the children review all the French they are learning this year.

1A enjoyed a workshop with Quinn, our school social worker. Quinn taught about empathetic and active listening. The children practiced using listening skills by playing a few games. The students will continue to work on these skills throughout the rest of the year.

Posted in French, General Studies, Jewish Studies

Purim,la joie du carnaval

A different week Rush Week full of happy faces, fun, smiles, and dazzling colours has finished. Purim allowed me, along with my kiddos discover what this celebration means and symbolizes. Through fun activities, we watched, heard, and told the story of Purim in French. We discussed the good and bad main characters of the story. We learned new vocabulary and hid by dressing up in costumes, appearing as something else, while our true selves remained hidden underneath the masquerade. It was an incredible experience for ME and a fun time for THEM!


Both classes got together on Purim to have Ruach filled day. We made graggers. We loved listening to the Megillah Reading Rabbi Kenter. We had a fabulous fashion show. It was amazing how everyone got the same overall score from our judges. Moreh Saar, Ms. Karissa, and Mrs. Bennett claim all participants gave their best performance, so they had to give everyone the best possible score.



Posted in Jewish Studies

Here it is!!!

Amazing news everyone, thanks to the generosity and kindness of the Customs and Immigrations Union, our first graders received the opportunity to see their words come to life.

The letters we sent struck the president’s heart strings and he couldn’t resist but to come to class and grant us the old flag, promising the flag will be replaced this Wednesday afternoon.

We were more than excited to make him some extra thank you notes and can’t wait to see our flag returned in two days!!!

Posted in General Studies

For the Love of Reading

Instilling a love of reading will be our focus in 1A & 1B this month. In class, we will read Robert Munsch books galore as part of “March Munsch Madness” in Grade 1. We will vote for our favourite books as we read throughout the month. 1A and 1B have read  Mortimer, and I Have to Go. Both classes have chosen I Have to Go as their favourite book so far. I wonder which book will win?

Reading will also be the focus of our homework this month.  Homework will be a reading challenge BINGO board. Students are still working to get 4 in a row for a BINGO but this time all of the activities involve reading!

We want all the children reading as much as possible this month.

The more you read the more you learn.  

Posted in General Studies

The latest from 1A

This past week we celebrated the 100th day of school. In General Studies, we read 100 words, worked on 100 math problems, and wrote the 100th-day news. We counted to 100 en français and wrote 100 words in Hebrew. The highlight was making Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 Fruit Loops. The students had fun snacking as they counted and made their necklaces.

100 Hebrew words


In Social Studies, the students worked on personal timelines. Seeing all the beautiful pictures of children of different ages made everyone smile.


Friday was our kickoff for the love of reading. We made reading forts in class. Reading in forts was a big hit. It was our surprise for our homework bingos. One of the students said, “It is a dream come true!” He had wished only a month ago that we could make forts in school.


A few children also enjoyed some quiet reading after story time in the library today.

    **Save the Dates**

 March 23rd @ 6:30 pm                 



 Innovation Day     

March 30th @9:00-9:45

Come visit our class to see our Innovation Day Projects.

For parents unable to attend I will send you a video of your child explaining their project.


Posted in General Studies

Fun in Grade One


In Science, we are learning all about different types of energy. An energy hunt had the children looking for electrical energy sources all around the school. The middle school hallway was the place the class most wanted to visit. The children loved walking amongst the older students. Everyone was surprised that the library had the most plugs, switches, and outlets.



The students worked with an energy buddy to do some simple research in their Science notebooks.

Morah Lianna came to teach the puck in the rink rule. The children learned when to use <ck> and <k> when writing in their journals.



During a recent visit to the library, Ms. Brigitte had the class laughing as she read us a funny story about excuses for not doing homework. The children had a chance to come up with excuses. I will remember these excuses. Who knows if any students will use them in the future?😀


Quinn, our social worker, did a terrific #JDAIM workshop in grade 1. Quinn, talked to us about Diversity and Inclusion. We played a fun game that highlighted our differences and interests. We discovered that it is our differences that make us unique and special.

We are Yeti… be a good friend

We read the story Peg and the Yetti and learned how they became friends. The children then made yetis and wrote about being a good friends.





                                                Winter Fun Day


Winter Fun Day was so much fun! The children loved skating and tobogganing in the morning. 1A and 1B went to the Makerspace together to make catapults. They enjoyed launching snowballs (cotton balls) all over. Ms. Karissa and I told the children it was the only day they could throw/launch snowballs at school. Teachers might have enjoyed this activity as much as the children.















Posted in French

Les plaisirs d’hiver

Salut les parents,

It’s time for a well-deserved break for all of us! The kids have been working beautifully, enriching their vocabulary, improving their writing, and practicing speaking French. After the winter clothes, they learned geometrical shapes by playing games and activities like building structures. They were quite amazed to discover that most  words derived from the Greek language, like pentagone,hexagone, etc. We also worked on the winter vocabulary, and we learned everything that is associated with the snow. They played charades, memory games, and puzzles to help them remember the words. Going outdoors during recess gave them the opportunity to practice the vocabulary. The children studied prepositions, and drew pictures of their room. The students presented their room pictures to the class while describing the location of some objects with the prepositions sur,dans,sous,devant, etc. In writing the children produced their first complete sentences using est( is). They were very proud of themselves. We are continuing with our complex sounds like CH and OI, and the best way to practice is by doing ‘Je lis’ regularly. I insist on them listening to the story many times before recording so they pronounce the words correctly. I am happy to see that they have become more comfortable with common words like Voici, C’est, Mon, Regarde, etc. During the break, try to expose them to the French language as much as possible, outings to museums, french cartoons like Caillou(there are over 400 episodes on the YouTube channel), french songs, and free online Apps like Duolingo, Hello-World French Children’s Activities can all make this journey for the kids educational and fun.

Have an exciting and wonderful break!

Posted in General Studies

This past week in Grade 1A

Treasure Hunt

Excitement filled the halls on Tuesday as the class participated in a well-earned treasure hunt. Each clue had the children reading and walking around the school. The children loved discovering and walking through the maze. The treasure was found and divvied up amongst the class. I think I loved it as much as the children.


Groundhog Day

The students made their Spring predictions for Groundhog Day on Thursday. We then watched how Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early Spring and a late Spring, respectively. The class predictions showed most of the class thinking it will be a late Spring.




The children have been busy working on addition and subtraction facts this week.  On Thursday, we practised math facts by playing fun math games. Quinn, our school social worker, even joined in on the fun.

Friendship Club

Here is a sneak peak at the new Grade One Friendship Club with Ms. Beswick. All the children have the option of taking part each Wednesday during the first recess. No sign up is needed.

Team Building Activity

How does a class finish off the week on a bitterly cold day with no outdoor recess? You get together with 1B to do a team-building activity. Ms. Karissa challenged the children to pass a hula hoop around the circle while holding hands with each other. The students did it as one big group and then made two smaller circles to move the hula hoop. Two Grade six students came to help the classes with this activity. It was so much fun!

Posted in General Studies, Jewish Studies

January News

A few things to remember:

This Friday is Dress Down Day !

Please return your Winter Snow Day Permission slips if you haven’t done so yet.


Always great seeing our Reading Buddies! Some of us chose books from our new Science Reading Bin “All About Energy”

Singing and learning in Hebrew Outdoors with Moreh Saar!

Welcome Back Maia! Such excitement in our class as we welcomed back Maia from her family visit to Peru!

A Busy week of measurement in 1A. Take a look at us using both standard measurement (rulers) and non standard units(unifix cubes and popsicle sticks) in and around our classroom!

Posted in Jewish Studies

Where did my flag go?!

As a part of our morning routine, we take notes about the weather, debating whether it’s rainy, sunny, cloudy, etc. outside… One of the different weather conditions we talk about is windy (רוח). Unfortunately, 2 weeks ago, a big storm tore away the flag from one of the businesses situated across the 417, leaving us completely lost when it comes to determining the level of wind outside.

That is why the first grade decided to spring into action and use their hard earned vocabulary into use. We sat down and wrote a stern, yet firm, letter to the Customs and Immigration Union (look it up, this is the real deal), asking them to bring their flag back. We also took the liberty of drawing some nice depictions of how the loss of the flag makes us feel, and these are some of the results:


Now we just have to hope that if they don’t bring the flag back for their own national pride, at the least they’ll do it for the children!

I hope that there will be updates to follow,
