It was a wonderful year in 1A! The Grade One team loved teaching these amazing students.
Here is a link to the Summer Learning Resource page
It was a wonderful year in 1A! The Grade One team loved teaching these amazing students.
Here is a link to the Summer Learning Resource page
Last weeks we learned about parashat lech-lecha (לך לך).
This parasha tells the story of the 12 spies sent into the land of Canaan in search of milk and honey. We thoroughly disscussed the idea of viewing one self in comparison to others, just as the Israelites viewed themselves as crickets compared to the giant inhabitants of Canaan.
Then we proceeded to camouflage a pair of binoculars and toured the school looking for the land flowing with milk and honey, the kids even found giant grapevines and tied them to a stick to bring back to Moses and Joshua as proof of the abundance of the land of Israel.
Have a great week!
Grade 1A couldn’t keep it in, heavens know they tried, so we went outside for a small picnic, here’s the evidence:
It was a special week at school. On Yom Hazikaron, we remembered the brave Israeli soldiers who fought for Israel.
Yom Ha’atzmaut was a day full of celebration on Israel’s 75th birthday. We started by decorating our classroom doors and lockers in blue and white. We think we did a pretty good job, don’t you?
All the classes had the opportunity to visit different stations. We learned a special dance, played Twister with JNF, sang karaoke, played musical chairs, and did Israeli Just Dance.
At lunch, we ate delicious falafel. Special Thanks to Levi’s dad for helping make the falafel!
We finished the day with the whole school in the gym doing the special dance we learned in the morning. A birthday cupcake was the special treat we got to eat. It was such a fun day!
JNF Art Contest
The Jewish National Fund has created an art contest that students and families may participate in. Check out the pamphlet below to learn more about it!
Kitah Alef’s Model Seder took place this past Monday. It was a memorable day: many children said it was their favourite day of the school year. Moreh Saar and Morah Ada were so proud of the children. They read and sang so beautifully.We hope the children sing beautifully as they celebrate together with family at the Seder tonight.
Wishing everyone a Chag Pesach Sameach!
The Grade One Team
We found the afikomen!
Hey there Grade 1,
It’s almost Pesach and I figured a bit of showing off our conversational skills is in order.
As a part of my methodology I find it extremely important to anchor the learning in real life, as language is a “use it or lose it” skill. That’s why I decided to connect Hebrew studies with Israeli culture. As you might know, the students surely realized it by now, Israelis are loving, passionate and welcoming, however they are also loud and full of Chutzpah!!
Taking this into consideration I decided to teach the kids several different ways to ask and answer people “how are you doing?”, some are formal, some are good old fashion cheeky!! Please feel free to listen to them answer about their day and ask me how I’m doing. It was a calculated risk, but boy am I bad at math, the kids can definitely talk, but now I got a classroom full of cheeky Israeli sounding kids.
Have a great Pesach vacation,